Sunday, January 8, 2012

Hello There!

I'm a writer and marketing consultant in the realm of architecture, construction + interior design, more specifically, to the high-end trades.
Having grown up trampling over blue prints and running around construction sites, and now working professionally in the industry, I've come to know an especially intimate side of building. One aspect that I feel rarely gets its due investigation and praise is that of the trades, which are necessary to have any building come to fruition.
I’m willing to bet that for every one stunning room shot for a spread in Architectural Digest (which is a publication I thoroughly enjoy, mind you), there are at least 10 trades that were involved in putting that room together that you didn’t even know existed, and came from a long and intricate history.  Well, working in the field, I’ve gotten to know quite a few; and many of the best in the industry. Here, At Artisanal Specs. I’m going to introduce them to you, tell you a bit of their story, and show you some of their work.
With a shortage of media that gives praise and attention to the trades and related specialty crafts people who contribute to building and actualizing designers visions, I've decided to start this blog as a resource for the world to get to know more about who these people are, what they create, where they are coming from - and to look at just how much really goes into creating the spaces we inhabit. Stay tuned for a fantastic, intricate ride, one of a kind behind-the-scenes insight and some very special guests!